Poolish for Pizza: What It Is and How to Use It

Poolish is a pre-ferment used in pizza dough that is gaining popularity among pizza makers. It is a mixture of flour, water, and a small amount of yeast that is left to ferment for several hours before being added to the dough. The use of poolish can enhance the flavor and texture of pizza crust, resulting in a more complex and nuanced taste.

The fermentation process of poolish allows for the development of gluten and the breakdown of starches, resulting in a dough that is easier to work with and has a lighter texture. The use of poolish can also increase the hydration of the dough, resulting in a crust that is both crispy and chewy. Additionally, poolish can add a subtle sourdough-like flavor to the crust, which can be particularly appealing to those who enjoy artisan-style pizza.

While poolish may require a bit of extra time and effort, many pizza makers find that the results are well worth it. By incorporating poolish into their dough, pizza makers can create a crust that is flavorful, texturally complex, and sure to impress.

poolish for pizza

What is Poolish?

Poolish is a type of pre-ferment used in pizza dough recipes. It is made by mixing equal parts flour and water with a small amount of yeast. The mixture is then left to ferment for several hours, allowing the yeast to grow and develop flavor.

Poolish is often used in pizza dough because it helps to improve the texture and flavor of the crust. The fermentation process helps to break down the gluten in the flour, making it more digestible and creating a lighter, airier texture in the finished crust.

In addition to improving the texture of the crust, poolish also adds flavor to the dough. The fermentation process produces a complex aroma and flavor profile that can enhance the overall taste of the pizza.

Poolish can be made using a variety of flours, including 00 flour, bread flour, and all-purpose flour. The type of flour used will affect the texture and structure of the dough, as well as the flavor.

To make poolish, simply mix together the flour, water, and yeast in a mixing bowl using a wooden spoon. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for several hours, or until the mixture has doubled in size and is bubbly and active.

Once the poolish is ready, it can be added to the pizza dough along with the rest of the ingredients. The hydration level and resting time of the dough can be adjusted to suit your preferences.

Overall, poolish is a great way to improve the texture, flavor, and shelf life of your pizza dough. Whether you’re making a classic Margherita or experimenting with new toppings, using poolish can help you achieve the perfect crust every time.

How to Make Poolish for Pizza Dough

Poolish is a pre-ferment used in pizza dough to enhance the flavor and texture of the crust. Here’s how to make it:

  1. Combine equal parts of all-purpose flour and lukewarm water in a bowl. For example, if you use 100 grams of flour, use 100 grams of water.
  2. Add a pinch of commercial yeast or a small amount of natural yeast to the mixture. Stir until everything is well combined.
  3. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The poolish should be bubbly and have a pleasant aroma.
  4. Use a spatula or spoon to mix the poolish into your pizza dough. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.
  5. Let the dough rest for at least an hour before shaping it into a pizza crust.

Using poolish in your pizza dough can add a depth of flavor and complexity that you won’t get with a simple dough recipe. The wild yeast in the poolish helps to develop gluten and create a crispy, chewy crust.

If you’re using a wood-fired oven or pizza stone, the poolish can help to create a crust with a beautiful char and crispy texture. Just be sure to let the dough rest before baking to allow the gluten to relax.

Whether you’re a home baker or a professional, adding poolish to your pizza dough recipe can take your pizza night to the next level. Give it a try and see how it enhances the flavor and texture of your crust.

Tips for Using Poolish in Pizza Dough

When using poolish in pizza dough, there are a few tips that can help achieve the best results. Here are some expert tips to keep in mind:

  • Use the right amount of poolish: The amount of poolish used in pizza dough can affect the final texture and flavor. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to use 20-30% poolish by weight of flour. However, it’s important to adjust the amount based on the desired outcome and the strength of the flour.
  • Choose the right yeast: When making poolish, it’s important to use the right type of yeast. Dried yeast is a popular choice as it’s easy to use and readily available. However, fresh yeast can also be used if available. It’s important to follow the instructions on the yeast packet to ensure the correct amount is used.
  • Consider a cold ferment: A cold ferment can help develop the flavor and texture of pizza dough. After mixing the poolish and other ingredients, the dough can be placed in the fridge for several hours or overnight. This slow fermentation process can help create a more complex flavor and a chewier texture.

Overall, using poolish in pizza dough can help create a delicious and flavorful crust. By following these tips, it’s possible to achieve excellent results.

Neapolitan and French Pizza Dough with Poolish

Poolish is a type of pre-ferment used in pizza dough that adds flavor and texture to the final product. It is a mixture of flour, water, and yeast that is allowed to ferment for several hours before being added to the dough. Poolish is commonly used in Neapolitan and French pizza dough recipes.

Neapolitan pizza dough is known for its thin, crispy crust and chewy texture. It is traditionally cooked in a wood-fired oven that reaches temperatures of up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit. The high heat of the oven produces a charred crust and a slightly blistered surface. To achieve this texture, Neapolitan pizza dough is typically made with high-gluten pizza flour and a hydration level of around 60-65%.

French pizza dough, on the other hand, is typically thicker and softer than Neapolitan pizza dough. It is often cooked in a standard oven and has a lower hydration level of around 55-60%. French pizza dough is usually made with all-purpose flour or a blend of all-purpose and pizza flour.

To make Neapolitan or French pizza dough with poolish, the poolish is first prepared by mixing equal parts flour and water with a small amount of yeast. The mixture is then allowed to ferment for several hours, typically overnight, before being added to the dough. The exact ratio of poolish to dough will vary depending on the recipe.

When making pizza dough with poolish, it is important to use high-quality pizza flour, such as 00 flour, which has a high protein content and produces a strong gluten network. The dough should be kneaded until it is smooth and elastic, and then allowed to rise for several hours before being shaped and baked.

To achieve a crispy crust and a chewy texture, Neapolitan pizza dough should be cooked in a wood-fired oven that reaches temperatures of at least 800 degrees Fahrenheit. French pizza dough can be cooked in a standard oven at a lower temperature.

Overall, using poolish in pizza dough is a great way to add flavor and texture to the final product. Whether you prefer Neapolitan or French pizza, incorporating poolish into your recipe can take your homemade pizza to the next level.


In conclusion, using poolish in pizza dough can provide a range of benefits, including improved flavor, texture, and crust. This pre-ferment method can be used in combination with other dough techniques, such as biga, to create unique and delicious pizza creations.

For those looking to learn more about poolish and pizza-making techniques, there are a variety of resources available online. Vito Iacopelli, a renowned pizzaiolo, offers tips and tutorials on his Instagram and YouTube channel, providing expert advice on how to perfect your pizza dough.

Overall, incorporating poolish into your pizza dough is a great way to elevate your pizza-making game and impress your friends and family with delicious, artisan-style pizza. So why not give it a try and see the difference for yourself?

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Sam Brett

Sam Brett is the founder and editor of Pizzachefhq, a pizza enthusiast who writes about what he's learned on the way of being a pizza creator and sharing his advice, tips, and research.

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